
Credit DerivativesInstruments, Applications and Pricing Methods

Autor: Lautscham, Volkmar
Fundstelle: Diskussionsreihe Bank & Börse, Band 39
ISBN: 978-3-85136-084-4
Verlag: Bank Verlag Wien / SpringerWienNewYork 2007, 184 Seiten

Preis: 42,00

Mag. Volkmar Lautscham

This introductory text on credit derivatives will provide the reader with ideas and tools to understand and discuss different instruments, the market, applications and pricing approaches. The first part will focus on providing a framework around credit risk and the application of credit derivatives to managing credit risk. The second part will explain basic pricing concepts. ‘Key concept boxes’ throughout this part will highlight the main results. References will direct the reader to more detailed discussions of specific issues.

The author has graduated in Financial/Industrial Management and Applied Mathematics from Karl-Franzens University and Graz University of Technology. Several academic stays abroad including Sheffield, London and Stockholm. The author currently works for a major investment bank in London.

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